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Science Curriculum Intent


At Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School, children will:

• experience and observe the natural and human worlds around them and broaden their view of these worlds

• be inquisitive

• be filled with curiosity

• answer and ask questions about what they notice

• use vocabulary appropriate for their year group

• take an active lead in their learning



• To develop children’s scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics

• To develop children’s understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them

• To ensure children are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

• To seek to ensure that all children achieve their full potential in Science


Science Curriculum Implementation

‘Working scientifically’ is described separately in the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related to the teaching of substantive science content in the programme of study.

Lessons begin with a review of prior learning to ensure confident retrieval of knowledge across all strands of Science. The curriculum is delivered in a way which is as practical as possible, providing rich opportunities for enquiry and challenge. New learning is delivered through a well-sequenced lesson plan, with the learning outcome being made clear to all children. Next steps are shared so that the children are aware of where their current learning will take them. We encourage students to be resilient and question, to support development in their work and learning behaviours.


Learning experiences

Snap Science is used to inform and support our teaching and learning. Many scientific experiments and investigations are suitable for mixed ability groupings, but children will be encouraged to develop and extend an investigation further. Class lessons will be used to ensure coverage of ‘sticky knowledge’ in each area, and also in cases where the availability of expensive equipment or safety issues demand them.

The teaching methods include:

• Investigation and experimentation

• Teacher demonstration

• Discussion and debate

• Question and answer

• Individual investigation

• The use multi-media such as video clips, computer programs and simulations

• Fieldwork

• Visits to places of scientific interest

• Science clubs


Early Years

As part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the development of the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world to the objectives set out in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). Children are guided to make sense of the physical world around them and their community.


Key stage 1

Children will:

• experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them

• be encouraged to be curious

• ask questions about what they notice

• be helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions

• start to use simple scientific language to talk about, as well as reading and spelling, what they have found out


Lower key stage 2

Children will:

• broaden their scientific view of the world around them

• explore and test ideas about everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and familiar environments

• be encouraged to ask their own questions about what they observe and make some decisions about which types of scientific enquiry are likely to be the best ways of answering them

• draw simple conclusions and use some scientific language


Upper key stage 2

Children will:

• develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas

• explore and verbalise ideas, asking their own questions about scientific phenomena

• analyse functions, relationships and interactions more systematically

• encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates

• begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time

• draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings

Take a look at our super science across the school!

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