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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Week 1

Friday 8.1.21

On Friday you will be learning about arrays. 

Go on an array hunt. Can you find any arrays around your house? (an egg box shows an array). Can you write a multiplication for the arrays you find?

Watch your maths lesson here :

Now answer the questions in your maths activity.
Also watch this video to practice your 5 times table: 

Thursday 7.1.21

Watch your maths lesson here:

Once you have watched the video, answer the questions on today's maths activity.
Also watch this video which will support your learning on repeated addition:

Wednesday 6.1.21

Your maths lesson today is all about making multiplication sentences.

How many different ways can you make equal groups with objects at home? Can you write the repeated addition and multiplication sentence for the groups?

Watch the video and then complete the maths activity.

Tuesday 5.1.21

Yesterday we learnt about equal groups. Look around your house what things could you put into equal groups?

Today's maths lesson is all about repeated addition. This means that the number being added is the same and keeps repeating (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = ).


Watch this video to help you with your learning: 

Now complete your maths challenge.

Monday 4.1.21

Your maths challenge today is all about equal groups.

Watch the video links below carefully and then complete the activity sheets.

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