Hub Update 05.02.25
The children have been exploring their environment and especially enjoyed splashing in puddles.
We are starting to use the Maker Space room in the Gladstone building and really enjoy using the tools.
Parents -
Please come along to the Parent Partnership meeting on Friday 7th February 2024 from 8.40 - 9.30.
We will be planning support for you - training, information, updates on learning in school - to suit your needs.
I hope that you can make the meeting.
Thanks Mrs Lawson
Hub Update 22.01.25
The children are working on writing, maths, reading and fine motor skills with Mrs Lawson every morning.
Miss Taylor is focussing on construction, creative play, investigation, music and maker space.
Please come along to Stay and Play on Friday morning and I will share the new look to the learning spaces with you.
We have been reading 'The Tiger who came to Tea' and from next week are moving to a new book called 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'
Take a look at the learning that has been taking place this week below.
Mrs Lawson :)
Hub Update 18.12.24
Please enjoy looking at the photos of our Christmas party today. Wishing you a happy Christmas and a joyful New Year.
Hub Update 04.12.24
The children are enjoying reading The Snowman this week.
On Monday, we worked as a team to put up the Hub Christmas tree - we also made lots of decorations for the tree and the room. This work is supporting the children's fine motor skills through cutting, manipulating paper, using glue sticks/spreaders and adding glitter and stars to their decorations.
We have been focussing on hand washing and eating this week too. As part of our support to enable the children to eat a wider variety of foods, we have a taster table at lunchtime so the children can explore new tastes and textures.
The Hub parents evening is taking place on Tuesday 10th December from 3.30 to 5.00. Please come along and take a look at all the hard work your children are completing.
Hub Update 27.11.24
The children have continued to enjoy learning about The Gingerbread Man and are starting to make the noises of the animals in the story.
We have had a very crafty week making gingerbread crowns and puppets from the story.
We are also exploring different textures and make snow from flour and oil - we all got stuck in and enjoyed getting very messy.
We will be reading The Snowman by Raymond Briggs from next week.
Hub Update 20.11.24
This week we have been reading The Gingerbread Man and discovering all the animals that wanted to eat him !
We have also enjoyed the recent snow and explored touching and forming snow to make snowmen. On Wednesday 20th November, we listened to German nursery rhymes as part of the school German Day.
Please find below the link to Mr Tumble Phonics, the children enjoy listening to this every day. If you are able to watch this at home with your child that would be brilliant
Hub Update 13.11.24
We have been exploring the different sounds and feelings of Autumn. The children have enjoyed playing with autumn leaves.
Mrs Lawson has been working on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This week we have been sharing new words such as porridge and cottage. We have also been comparing big, medium and small using the porridge bowls, beds and chairs from our story.
Miss Taylor has been supporting the children to sequence the events in the Gruffalo's child as well as manipulating clay and paint.
On Monday 11th November, the children took part in the 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day. All of the children made a poppy to mark this event.
Hub update 06.11.24
We hope you had a relaxing half term and your children are ready to learn.
The children are moving onto new story books after half term. Mrs Lawson is reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Miss Taylor is reading the Gruffalo. I have attached photos of our activities this week.
In maths, Mrs Lawson is focussing on big and small and helping the children to compare objects.
We are continuing to have play time in the Nursery playground every Tuesday and Thursday. The children were exploring wheeled vehicles this week.
Autumn term update 17.10.24.
The children working in the Hub have had a fantastic start to the year.
We have been working on:
Letter sounds
Taking turns and sharing
Holding a pencil and mark making
We have been visiting the Nursery playground twice a week to develop our gross motor skills. The children are really enjoying this space.
The children working with Mrs Lawson have been reading books about Autumn and developing fine motor skills through maker time. We have also been counting up to 20, identifying bigger and smaller as well as matching numbers.
Please enjoy looking at our photos for this half term.
At the end of each half term, each child will receive a Celebration Certificate - we hope you will celebrate your child's learning.
Reminder to parents:
Every Friday, 9.00 - 9.30 Play and Stay sessions
At the end of each half term, Child Collage with Mrs McDonald from 2.45 to 3.30