CURATORS: Mrs Bright
LINGUISTS: Mrs Menzano
Also supporting our learning: Ms Khaliq, Ms Eyre, Ms Watson (Class support/Spanish), Ms Cawley (Music) & Mr M. (PE)
This half-term our big question is
What can we learn about the world around us?
In this half-term's year 4 unit about electricity, children will learn about common electrical appliances and how to construct simple series circuits. Children will learn about cells, wires, bulbs and buzzers and about the different types of switches. They will be able to troubleshoot and identify whether or not a bulb will light in a simple series circuit and be able to identify a complete circuit. The children will also learn about conductors and insulators and know that metals are very good electrical conductors.
In Geography, we are focusing on learning about different types of settlements in the world. We are focusing on Europe and comparing our knowledge of local settlements to other similar places abroad. We are also developing our map reading skills by using ordnance maps with our tasks.
In Computing, we are very excited to start our first programming module. Children will be learning to use a simple text-based coding language called LOGO to program different kinds of shapes. They will later apply this knowledge during our MAKER afternoons to code shapes to be embroidered for our Winter event.
During Spanish lessons, we are learning names for activities and concentrating on developing our grammatical understanding of Spanish verbs.
In PE, we are practising our gymnastics skills.
Our class book is "Charlotte's Web". In English, we are writing a character description and currently memorising the poem "The Spider and the Fly" by Mary Howitt.
Read regularly and discuss what I have read with another person
Please have someone you read with write what you have read in your school diaries.
Practise my Times Tables
Try and get your name on the list of Rock Stars on the Rock Stars website!
Practise Maths at home
Sign in and use the My Maths website.
Practise my spellings
Learn my spellings for a test at the end of each week.