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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Our classes:


Entrepreneurs - Mrs Menzano

Leaders - Mr Sajjad

Scholars - Ms Hayden

This half term our big question is: 


How do things change over time?


  • History: we will be looking at Crime and Punishment from different periods of history. We will visit the National Justice Museum for an exciting day in a Victorian courtroom and a workshop on crime and punishment.
  • Science: In our science lessons we are learning about the branch of biology, specifically the Classification of living things.
  • Art: In our art lessons, we will look at mark-making and colour schemes with hues and tones.
  • Religious Education: In our RE lessons we will be looking at 
  • ICT: In our computing lessons we will be looking at - communication and collaboration with networks and the internet.
  • PE: Hockey
  • Spanish: Healthy Living



In English, we are reading the book:




To support my learning at home I can...


 Read regularly and discuss what I have read with another person

Please have someone you read with write what you have read in your school diaries. 


Practise my Times Tables

Try and get your name on the list of Rock Stars on the Rock Stars website!


Practise Maths at home

Sign in and use the My Maths website.


Practise my spellings

Learn my spellings for a test at the end of each week.

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  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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