School Opening Hours
School is open for children from 8.40am to 3.30pm.
Registration is at 9.00am.
School is open to children for 32.5 hours in a typical week.
The morning Nursery class is called Artists and begins at 8.30am and finishes at 11.30am.
The afternoon Nursery class is called Explorers and begins at 12.30pm and finishes at 3.30pm.
Pupils in Y1- Y6 have their play time at 10.00 -10.15.
Pupils in EYFS to Y6 have their lunchtime from 12.15-13.15.
School office hours are 8:00am to 5.00pm (Monday- Thursday)
08.00am to 4.30pm (Friday)
Please address any queries to Mrs Julie Naidu (School Business Manager) or Mrs S Chowdhury (Head Teacher)