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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Reception smiley


We are all set for a fantastic year in reception.
Here are the F2 classes and their teachers. 



Mrs Robinson

Mrs Hallam



Mrs Sanders/ Miss Jorgensen

Mrs Hague- Naylor



Miss Malek

Miss Cooling










In Maths, we will be...

Counting objects to 6

Recognising objects to 6

Subitising to 6

In Phonics, we will be..

Learning hoe to hear sounds in words

Learning how segment words in sounds

Learning phase 4 sounds

In Understanding the World, we will be...

Visiting Stonebridge City farm to have an Easter egg hunt and learn about baby animals

Using our senses to spot signs of spring

Planting seeds, cress, beans,



Current Topic


This half term our big question is...

What makes a good place to live?


The children are reading the books

Hungry Caterpillar

Little Red Hen

Noah's Ark

Farmer Duck



We will be making up our own stories and learning about how we grow and change.


To support my learning at home you can.....


Watch the Little Wandle Videos to help me with my sounds and word reading skills

Count with me as much as possible and look for numbers all around me.

Read to me every night. This will help my communication skills, love of reading and vocabulary. It is also a wonderful way to relax and bond with me.

Check out our online resources.

Also keep checking Weduc and Google Classroom for activities updated daily



Here is our longterm Maths Planning

Here is the long term plan for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Our phonics scheme

Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

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