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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Our Classes:



                       Mrs Matthews                                                             Mrs Bright 

                    (Class Teacher - Monday & Tuesday)                        (Class Teacher - Wednesday - Friday)

Mrs Emberton

                                                  (Class Teacher)                                                


Miss Arif

(Class Teacher)




Mrs Araghchinchi                                  Mrs Watson

                                       (Teaching Assistant)                                              (Teaching Assistant)





Next Term 

We will be reading...


"When two bold adventurers climb over the wall to explore the overgrown garden next door, the discover a ship made of bushes, with tall, thin trees for masts. They also meet marvellous Mrs Tredegar, who turns them into a fully trained crew, and with their imaginations at the ready, they embark on a series of glorious voyages."

To support learning at home you can...


Read at home

Please read every day with an adult and write this in your school diary.

Remember you can read online too using MyOn and Collins Ebooks


Practise Maths 

You can also use Numbots and practice your fluency skills by completing calculations



If you have lost any of you log in details for our online resources, please ask your class teacher.



PE is on WEDNESDAYS so please
come to school dressed in your PE kits!

Useful links for learning at home:


Oak Academy offer fantastic online lessons which include videos, activities, quizzes and great explanations. They link to all our learning in Year 2. 

To take a look at our previous learning and resources, these are available below together with links to a range of helpful teaching videos and other links to support home learning.

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