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Week 5

Friday 5th February

Today you are working out the change - this means you have to work out how much money you will have left after you spend some.  You will have less money than before.

Thursday 4th February

Today you will be finding 'The difference' between amounts of money.  Do you remember what other maths words we know which mean the same as 'Difference'?  That's right, subtract, take-away, minus, less, left.  We subtract to compare 2 numbers and see how they are different.  We've used bar models and take-away sums to help us find the difference but you and your grown ups might know different ways of finding the difference.  That's ok too.

Wednesday 3rd February

Today you will be adding amounts together, pound and pence, to find the 'Total'.

Tuesday 2nd February

Today you will comparing amounts of coins - putting different coins in the right order from smallest to largest.  You will then add some coins in the purses.  Can you find out which purse has the most and least amounts of money in them?

Today, for something trickier, you will be comparing amounts of money but this time involving coins and notes and larger amounts of money!!  You will also have some tricky missing number problems to solve.

Monday 1.2.21

Today you are going to continue with your money topic. Now you are able to recognise all the coins, I would like you to make amounts. How many different ways can you make 10p? Cut out the coins to help you.

For an extra challenge can you make larger amounts? Watch your lesson and have a go at using coins and notes to make the given amount.

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