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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Extra Learning Activities

Have a go at some of these great learning activities…


  • Check our Miss Cawley's Music page on the school website for great musical activities!
  • Write a short story!
    Are you a budding author? Write a one page story. think of an idea and let your imagination run wild! Think about setting and break it down to include a beginning, middle and end. Think of an interesting title!

  • Design your own book cover for your short story! What information will the cover reveal?
  • Write a book review for a book you have read!
    See below for a template

  • Create a healthy meal recipe!
    Design your perfect healthy meal! Think of what foods make a healthy meal, how you would cook it, what would you call this meal? Try cooking it too!

  • Create your own fantasy football team!
    Make this team up from 11 well-known players and position them on your pitch. Research 2 interesting facts about each player!

  • Design a new gadget!
    Design a futuristic gadget to make everyday life easier. Draw a detailed, labelled diagram of your product and explain how it works, what it is used for and what you have named it! Be as creative as you can!

  • Make a fact file on a character from history. you can present this in any way you like! (eg poster, powerpoint) See below for some question prompts.


Book Review Template

History fact file

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