These three principles guide the behaviour policy:
The Recognition Board
How do we recognise positive behaviour?
Recognising positive behaviour is key to this policy, positive behaviours are recognised and rewarded. This is the prime form of behaviour management, remembering to always include the children who always follow the school rules and behave well.
Our school reward systems are:
• Recognition board
In every class there is a recognition board which displays a chosen focus behaviour. When children show this behaviour, they are praised with specific language and their name is added to the board.
E.G. The chosen behaviour is kindness
‘Well done …. I really like the way you helped your friend to tidy their things away. That was very kind. I’m adding your name to the board.’ If a child already has their name on the board and is noticed again during the same day, a tally can be added to their name. The children with tallies should be celebrated within the class as role models.
E.G. ‘Wow ….. you have shown kindness to …… by helping him with that question and your name is already on the board. I’m going to add a tally to your name. Class …. Is a role model, to get your name on the board, try showing kindness like….’
Throughout the day children’s names will be added to the board and the behaviours that the teacher is looking for, reinforced. Children’s names are never removed from the board for until the end of the day. If a child has their name on the board and is then later found to be showing negative behaviour, this will be dealt with separately and does not mean that their name is taken off the recognition board. Children can nominate each other for the recognition board, giving a clear reason for the nomination. This will encourage reflection and peer responsibility. It is not an individual competition, rather a collective effort to get the whole class on the board. Children should be helping each other to behave well and all children and staff should be looking for the positive behaviours in order to get as many names on the board as possible. There is no prize or material reward for the recognition board, however a class point can be awarded if the whole class gets their names on the board by the end of the day. The teacher will decide how long the focus behaviour is needed before being changed to another. Focus behaviours are chosen according to the needs of the class but must always raise the expectation. Please see Appendix 1 for example behaviours for the recognition board.
• Class points
Every class has a hundred square (Appendix 2). When a class is awarded a point the teacher marks off a number (either with a sticker or an initial). The class can be awarded a point by any member of staff. Points can be given for whole class behaviour in the class room or around school, or when every child in the class has their name on the recognition board.
‘……. Class you have come in from break time very calmly well done. I am giving you a class point.’
The class point hundred square has whole class rewards at different points through the numbers. When a class reaches a reward the class teachers liaise with the Phase Leader to organise the reward.
• Super Stars/ Super Star Shop
Stars can be given to individual children who stand out for their good work or behaviour that goes above and beyond the expectations. The stars are collected on children’s individual Super Star account cards in groups of ten. Children are shown the rewards that are available in the Super Star Shop. Children save their stars towards exchanging for a prize each term. (School Council are involved in choosing the prizes from a list shared). Children can choose to save their stars for a higher value reward later on if they wish to. Class teachers keep a record of completed account cards and children can take completed account cards home.
• Celebration Assembly/Certificates
A celebration assembly is held each week to celebrate the achievements of the children. Each class teacher will award a certificate for role model of the week in assembly. The role model certificate links to the focus behaviour from the recognition board. In addition to the role model of the week the teacher will also choose another certificate to present in assembly. The other certificates will be given in class. The five certificates are, Role Model, Writer, Handwriter, Maths, Reader of the week. Children can take their certificate home. Reception and Key Stage 1 parents are invited to the celebration assembly.
• Stickers
Staff can awards stickers to children (age appropriate) who deserve recognition for their effort but the behaviour does not warrant a super star. For example, children sitting smartly, entering assembly sensibly.