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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Our Classes:


Adventurers with Miss Huxtable and Ms Ghafoor 


 Designers with Miss Fox and Ms Hoy


Enquirers  with Mr Holland and Ms Alkauskiene





P.E days are on FRIDAYS please come in your P.E kits. 


We send home reading books and spellings on a Friday. Please try and read and home every night. 





A year at a glance in Year One... 

Take a look at our medium term plans to see our curriculum and exciting learning!




Here are some websites to support with your child's learning at home - Please take a look!

Phonics Digraphs Phase 3 Phonics

Revise your Phase 3 sounds with this phonics digraphs and trigraphs video covering the qu, sh, ch, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, ow, or, oi, ur, ear, air, er ...

The National Curriculum (KS1)

Find out what we are learning during music lessons in Year 1 and across school with Ms Cawley! yes

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