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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Shahida Chowdhury (Ex-Officio Governor)

I’m Shahida Chowdhury, the Headteacher at Forest Fields Primary School. I grew up in Leicester and went to university in Nottingham. I started my career in teaching in Birmingham, in 1994, and have loved being in teaching for the past 28 years! I taught in 3 inner city schools in Birmingham, ranging in different sizes with all schools having a diverse mix of children. I worked as a Primary National Strategy consultant in Leicester for 7 years, working with a range of Headteachers, Subject Leaders and teachers and delivered many teacher training sessions for teachers across Leicester City. I then worked as a Deputy Headteacher in an inner city school in Leicester before becoming the Headteacher at Forest Fields. I have specialised in many roles and have a deep passion for English, Mathematics, EYFS and Teaching and Learning.

I am extremely passionate that we give our children the best opportunities to learn so they can achieve the highest they possibly can, and go onto competing for the best university and jobs possible. We want our children to be well equipped for life-long learning and to love learning! I love my job as Headteacher, serving the wonderful, diverse community of Forest Fields!

My history of school improvement and work on raising standards supports the school with continuing to move forward with improvements.

I attend all FGB meetings and Joint Committee meetings.

I am a  mother of three, which is my greatest achievement!

I am passionate about reading – I love books! I also love baking, knitting, music and travelling.

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