Here are the sound sets that you learn at school, you will also be able to find them in your reading diary. Have a look at them every day and practice saying the sounds that you know. Knowing all these speedy sounds will help you become a super reader and writer.
Use Little Wandle and the online Nottingham library to read something fun every day!
The school teaches phonics using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds (Revised) scheme. Below are the sounds taught, sorted into 'Phases'. Phonics is supported by access to all of the reading books available to read online. Teachers will have selected the range of reading books appropriate to your child's level and these can be accessed using your child's unique login details. If you need those details again please do not hesitate to get in touch with your class teacher.
Remember that Nottingham City Libraries continue to offer a fabulous and very important service to us all during lockdown. They have loads of books and other fun resources and activities for you to access via their website. Why not have a look.