Friday 15th January
Today's topic work is art. We are going to explore 'texture' and how to show how something might feel in our art work, be it a drawing or a painting.
Wednesday 13th January
Today we are continuing on the topic of being safe around medicines. This time we are looking at how we know that we are taking the right medicine for us. What should we look for? It would be great if you could talk to a grown up safely about medicines in your own home.
Tuesday 12th January
Today you're going to practise writing directions for the Big Bad Wolf so he can find his way through the forest!!!
Monday 11.1.21
On Monday we are going to be looking at things that are living - they grow, move, breathe and/or need water or sunlight, once were living and never living.
Look at the activity and sort the objects into these groups.
How do you know what group they belong in?