Friday 22nd January
We are going to write the final part of our story today. This is the resolution, where everything gets fixed. Remember to keep adding your innovations to make it your own story.
Thursday 21st January
Your story writing yesterday was fantastic! Now we would like you to write the middle of your story. This is where the problem happens. Remember that your animal has changed so needs to be the same throughout your writing.
Wednesday 20th January
You are going to be an author today! How exciting! Write the beginning of your story, remembering to add in your own innovations to make it yours. Watch Miss Catton's lesson first.
Tuesday 19th January
Today we are going to practice our story telling! Using your wonderful ideas from yesterday I want you to practice telling your new story. Remember what you bring to Granny, the animal and the setting has changed. Perform your story to someone in your family. You could also video it and send it to your teacher. We would love to see it! 😊
Monday 18th January
This week in literacy you are going to 'Innovate'. That means you are going to add some of your own ideas to change parts of the story of Little Red Riding Hood to make it your own. How exciting!! We can't wait to see what original ideas you can come up with and how it changes the story.