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Welcome to Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School

Year 5

Our classes:

Analysts - Mr Gatland

Innovators - Miss Hayden

Strategists - Mrs Davies


Summer 2 - Big Question

This term our big question is: 

Is everything what it first appears to be?

Year 5 are currently reading:


We are using the book 'A River' by Marc Martin in our writing. 




To support my learning at home I can...


 Read regularly and discuss what I have read with another person



Practise my Times Tables

Try and get your name on the list of Rock Stars on the Rock Stars website!

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (


Practise Maths at home

Sign in and use the My Maths website.

Home - MyMaths (


Practise my spellings

Learn my spellings for a test at the end of each week and practice on Ed Shed (



Keep up-to-date

Watch the BBC Newsround everyday to keep yourself up-to-date with what's happening around you. 

Watch Newsround - CBBC Newsround (



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