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School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

School Council 2022-2023


In the summer term the School Council have several projects they are working on.

‘I think it will be a good idea to help parents out with buying new uniform. I’m looking forward to holding a ‘Swap Shop’ event. This is also going to help the environment as it means there will be less waste as uniform that is too small for someone can be used for another child.’ Katie


‘I think having signs on the playground that remind everyone of our school rules, Ready, Respectful, Safe will help children to be good on the playground. We can remind them that it is important to be safe especially outside. We have thought of words to help them remember each rule like ‘No being rough’ for Safe.’ Jack


‘I’m looking forward to making different zones for lunchtime. I think children will like having different things to do outside. We are going to ask our classes what they would like then we can choose what zones we will have.’ Nida


‘We are helping to organise the Summer Fair, we will be helping to run some of the stalls with the teachers. It is interesting to see how events can be organised.’ Ayaan


‘I’ve really enjoyed working with Miss Kidd to learn how to be a play leader. I like playing with the younger children at lunch time.’ Nicholas

Autumn 2019


Already our new School Council have been involved in various projects with more lined up for the Spring term....


1) Some of the team have worked with Ms Marks around Science. They spent an afternoon doing practical activities and sharing their scientific knowledge for a variety of topics. The remaining members yet to have this experience will take part in a similar activity during the New Year.


2) Other members of the team are currently doing some follow-up work around our new school dinner menu. The School Council played a huge part in developing the menu last year with the City Catering Team and school kitchen staff. Now, they are carrying out a survey to assess how things are going and will evaluate the positives but also address anything that could be further enhanced.


School Council 2019/20

School Council 2018/19

Autumn 2018


The School Council have been busy this term but are already looking forward to organising special events during the Spring and Summer.


This term some members of the Council have been working closely with Mrs Marks (our Science Lead Teacher). They had a couple of meetings where they were looking at Learning Journals and in particular, the work relating to Science across the school. The older children also interviewed the younger members to find out what they thought about the subject. It was a big success and highlighted lots of positives. Mrs Marks is keen to work with the School Council again in 2019!


In other news -


15 members met with our school catering team and spent an afternoon analysing the current school dinner menu and discussing possible changes for 2019. They got to taste a few bits (which disappeared very quickly smiley) but more importantly, were able to ask lots of questions and put forward suggestions that will hopefully encourage more of our children to stay for school dinners. There will be a special School Council dinner in the new year with the entire menu chosen by them. They will be continuing to work alongside the catering team and from time to time will be talking to children in the dining room so that they can feedback any thoughts on the changes made. All the children that took part in the meeting expressed their views clearly and offered really sensible suggestions for possible future changes.


Well done and thank you to all the School Council members for their hard work this term. no 

Since the launch of our Minibus campaign, there have been many fundraising activities and we still have a few more to come before the end of the term. Many thanks to all of you for your kind support and donations. It's much appreciated. Below, is a letter sent to the school by our very own Chair of Governors. Please have a read...

Members of our School Council and Shaun putting the finishing touches to our 'Minibus Totaliser'

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