Religious Education at
Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School
Intentions: the aims of RE
RE offers distinctive opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, cultural, social and moral development. RE lessons should offer a structured and safe space during curriculum time for reflection. Teaching in RE should engage pupils in discussion, dialogue and debate which enables them to make their reasoning clear and which supports their cognitive and linguistic development.
RE makes a key contribution to enabling pupils to consider British values, including tolerance and respect for people who hold different faiths and worldviews. The HMI Inspection Framework for schools requires schools to be active in promoting these values, and well planned RE is a major part of this work. This is elaborated below.
The Implementation of Religious Education:
RE is taught every other week (PSHE being taught in the alternate week). Festivals are incorporated in both class teaching and assemblies.
The continuity and progression follows the Nottingham SACRE RE for All 2021 - 2026 model. It allows for constant re-visiting, consolidation and development of religious knowledge.
The Impact of Religious Education:
Religious Education at Forest Fields Primary School develops pupils’